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API Version: v0.2.1 Not using latest version (v0.2.3)

CCIPLocalSimulatorFork v0.2.1 API Reference


CCIPLocalSimulatorFork provides utilities for simulating Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) operations in a forked environment. It enables testing of cross-chain messaging and token transfers within a Hardhat project.



An object representing a cross-chain message with the following structure:

sourceChainSelectorbigintThe chain selector of the source chain
senderstringThe address of the message sender
receiverstringThe address of the message receiver
sequenceNumberbigintMessage sequence number
gasLimitbigintGas limit for message execution
strictbooleanWhether strict mode is enabled
noncebigintMessage nonce
feeTokenstringAddress of the token used for fees
feeTokenAmountbigintAmount of fee token
datastringMessage payload data
tokenAmountsArray<{token: string, amount: bigint}>Array of token transfers
sourceTokenDataArray<string>Source token metadata
messageIdstringUnique message identifier



Requests LINK tokens from a faucet contract for testing purposes.

linkAddressstringThe address of the LINK contract on the current network
tostringThe address to receive the LINK tokens
amountbigintThe amount of LINK tokens to request

Returns: Promise<string> - The transaction hash of the fund transfer


Parses a transaction receipt to extract CCIP message details from the CCIPSendRequested event.

receiptobjectThe transaction receipt from the ccipSend call

Returns: object | null - The parsed EVM2EVMMessage object or null if no valid message is found


Routes a sent message from the source network to the destination network in the forked environment.

routerAddressstringAddress of the destination Router contract
evm2EvmMessageobjectThe cross-chain message to be routed

Returns: Promise<void> - Resolves when the message is successfully routed

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